Human Trafficking Awareness For program Managers

This training course has been developed in response to the Federal government’s zero-tolerance
policy on Human Trafficking. This course was designed to help increase awareness and
educate program managers on the indicators and laws of Human Trafficking.

Knowing the Indicators

Due to the prevalence of human trafficking throughout the world, and the potential for trafficking in United States government contracting, Program Managers play a critical role in combating human trafficking in all phases of a contract. This course is designed to provide program managers with the knowledge they need to recognize people who may be victims of human trafficking or on the path to becoming victimized.



Introduction to Human Trafficking


Trafficking Components


Trafficking Laws and Regulations


FAR Certifications


Reporting Policy and Procedures

The Problem

Human trafficking happens in almost every country around the world, including the United States, which can affect government contracts. You may not see the problem, but it’s there. It’s estimated there are more than 27 million human trafficking victims worldwide. Traffickers represent every social, ethnic, and racial group. Traffickers are not only men; women are also perpetrators. The children, women, and men who are trafficked are vulnerable due to poverty, economic hardship, natural disaster, political unrest, and many other risk factors that makes them a target for human trafficking.

The Solution

The first step in combating human trafficking is awareness. Program managers educated on the signs and indicators of human trafficking could help identify if someone on a contract is a victim of human trafficking. Raising awareness about human trafficking and the impact on victims, reduces the prevalence of human trafficking and supports victims, prosecutes offenders, and provide communities with the capacity to respond to the problem.

The Results

By completing the Human Trafficking Awareness for Program managers course, you will know what Human Trafficking is, where it occurs, you will understand and identify the laws and regulations related to Human Trafficking, and know how to prevent, report, and respond to this crime.